The Start of Our Adventure…
This past summer, Laura and I talked about how difficult, long and cold the previous winter had been in our hometown of Pagosa Springs, Colorado. While we absolutely love this area of Colorado, it has some of the most beautiful mountain scenery anywhere within our state, we really did want to have a longer “summer” season. Our hankering for an extended, warmer season gave birth to our latest crazy idea….we decided to pack up our house and load our trike into our toy hauler and venture out on the road for a 7-month tour of the balmier states! The Colorado-New Mexico border is less than an hour south of us, heading in the right direction for chasing the sunshine. An easy dictate for us to pursue. Further on, Texas and the states ringing the shores of the Gulf of Mexico are calling to us to meander through, capping off our wanderings by journeying into a southeastern swath of Georgia. Charting a course homeward is yet to be penned.
Exciting, yet daunting, was our initial thought. We began with maps, spreadsheets (those of us who know us are chuckling at this right now…we hear you!!), mobile apps, and two computers attempting to connect the sights we want to experience, and friends and loved ones we hope to see along the way, all while trying not to go mad, ending up in the looney bin, only dreaming of ever escaping. This is where we exclaimed that there had to be a better way; it is 2023 after all! RV Life Trip Wizard came to our rescue! This website tool allowed us to develop RV-safe tour routes, making sure we’re aware of what we’re getting into before encountering a potential bind. By inputting the parameters of our toy hauler, along a chosen route we can see any low clearance notices, track continual elevation and gradient information, all while providing tons of information about campsites, gas stations, the power of google streets, gps maps, and more. Gladly we trashed the spreadsheets!! Whew! We had a plan.
Now that we had a handle on our route, our new hurdle dealt with communicating our travels to all of our friends and relatives; everyone wanted to know where we were headed and what we were going to be doing along the way. Multiple Facebook and Instagram posts, e-mails, and texts just wasn’t going to cut it. No! No spreadsheets this time (HA!)… Instead, the creation of the TreasuredDaze.com website came to mind! Our ambition is that you will follow along with us in our travels and adventures!
So as we stated, the first leg of our journey was to the south (remember; extending our summer, sunshine and the warmer weather?!), cutting diagonally through New Mexico to the southeastern portion the state, in order to visit Carlsbad Caverns National Park. But we couldn’t make it there in one push, so guess what else happens to be in this same general area of New Mexico? Yep, you guessed it!! Roswell! We just had to visit this quirky little community and immerse ourselves in everything alien!

For the past few years, Andrea and I have been dreaming of doing the same thing, i.e., travelling around the US with our motorcycles in our toy hauler. Two more years and she’ll retire. Leave many bread crumbs. I’m sure we will follow a few of your routes.
Thanks Jim! I’m sure you two will have a lot of fun doing just that, one location you all could go to is our own home area of Pagosa Springs when we would be around..would be great to see you two again! We will certainly leave a trail…just follow along with us on our website.